Case study: Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust

Sponsored: Find out how Kafoodle helped a school trust with a digital catering solution

Kafoodle recently completed a pilot project partnering with Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust (BWCET), a school trust comprising over 20 schools in the north-east of England.

BWCET sought innovative digital solutions to help school pupils, parents and carers find food that is safe for them to eat, with all of the relevant food information they need.

The challenge

The number of food allergies experienced during childhood is increasing. Many of these allergies are a result of ingredients that are not part of the 14 allergens that must be reported by law.

BWCET schools always try to make the same dish for any child with an allergy or dislike by removing or replacing the items they can’t/won’t eat. This way pupils don’t ‘feel different’ and the chef doesn’t have to prepare a whole new dish, reducing time inefficiency and resource waste.

The solution

Kafoodle provides recipe and menu management software for commercial and single-site kitchens. The cloud-based software effortlessly manages ingredients, recipes, tracks food allergens, calculates nutrition and produces Natasha’s Law-compliant food labels.

With the new filter-by-ingredient functionality, Kafoodle allows users to display only meals that are safe for them to eat by filtering any ingredient over and above the 14 mandated allergens.

In this pilot, Kafoodle digitised the ability to search for food types and ingredients to improve communication and safety, and negate the labour-intensive methods that are currently used in the education sector. In this way, Kafoodle aims to provide peace of mind, consistency and transparency for pupils, parents and carers.

By adapting our existing online interactive menus, we made it easier for kitchen staff to adapt recipes and allow families to plan school meals in advance.

Kafoodle searches also identify composite ingredients which operate through four levels of nested items. A composite ingredient is a product that is composed of several ingredients. For example, chocolate chips may be an ingredient in a recipe for cookies, but the chocolate chips themselves will be made from sugar, butter, cocoa, etc.


The results

The enhancements in this pilot make it easier for chefs, parents and students to make clear and safe food choices. Chefs can save time by searching for meals in their Kafoodle database which match the requirements they’re looking for. They also have peace of mind, knowing that the search will match against the ingredients they use and have named themselves in order to construct their recipes.

Excluding by ingredient offers an easy way to ensure that school chefs’ menus include menu items for all their pupils, no matter the type of allergy, intolerance or food preference.

Parents and pupils can use Kafoodle’s interactive menus to see which menu items are safe to eat. One significant advantage is that this can be done ahead of time and does not need to be carried out on the day of purchase. At the weekend, parents can view the school menu for the week ahead and have an informed conversation with their child about which menu items should be purchased.

Feedback on the new functionality was positive from both kitchen staff and families:

Since the school started using Kafoodle, creating a menu takes a lot less time and it’s a much smoother process. The recipes are so easy to put together and the nutritional values and costs are vital information for the school and parents. The interactive menus and the ability to filter gives parents peace of mind if pupils have any allergies or likes/dislikes for certain foods. Being a web-based system is also a huge positive for a multi-site business like ourselves – Luca Tomassetti, catering manager, BWCET

Kafoodle’s interactive menu approach can be rolled out across the education sector at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. This solution saves time and money, whilst giving greater peace of mind to those preparing and purchasing food in educational establishments.


T: 020 3371 0450


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