Sports teachers were given some slam-dunk good news when the National Basketball Association (NBA) announced the launch of NBA in the Classroom, an NBA-themed educational programme.
Available to all schools teaching secondary-age students, the initiative offers free, downloadable, curriculum-linked teaching materials focusing on career development, financial management, mental wellbeing and physical education.
Pupils can hear from current NBA players and employees on a variety of topics via video content containing tips, challenges and more.
“Our students were intrigued to discover that there’s so much beyond just the game, from mental attitude to wide-ranging careers such as sports journalism, social media and physiotherapy,” said a PE teacher at Kettlethorpe High School.
“The programme is diverse and easy to add into lesson planning.”
Resources can be downloaded and used as standalone lessons, personal development sessions, or after-school club sessions.
Through NBA-inspired challenges, claim the initiative’s developers, “the programme will help students be more active, harness a positive mental attitude, develop financial confidence and nurture skills that employers value, including creativity, numeracy, communication, teamwork and organisation.”
From the archive: Lewes Old Grammar School basketball player goes national