Amazing People Schools – Independent Schools Workshop

With Selena Whitehead, education team manager, Amazing People Schools, and David Hodgkinson, secondary teacher, school governor and educational consultant

Blended learning support when you need it most: join our free online workshop on 10 February at 16:30

Character strengths such as empathy, perseverance, creativity and resilience are critical to student wellbeing and greatly improve the odds that our young people will thrive. And they’ve certainly never been more important!

Harriet Tubman knew all about resilience, and Einstein used highly creative ideas in his scientific work. And here we are, demonstrating our amazing ability to adapt, in real time. A year ago, we could not have imagined we would be in this situation.

We’ve gone from the classroom to offering online education to swathes of our pupils who are sitting at home, away from their friends and teachers. This is a hugely challenging time for both teachers and pupils, not least as teachers across the country grapple with how best to present materials and achieve the same level of learning as they would in a more traditional setting. It’s an enormous task.

And it’s even more demanding in those areas of the curriculum which rely on discussion and the physical presence of a teacher to enable such discussion to be meaningful.

If you’re looking for a fantastic series of PSHE/RSE resources I can’t recommend Amazing People Schools resources highly enough. We’ve found it a great addition to PSHE and assemblies for all year groups – Richard Thorley, head of upper school, Holmewood House

For independent schools, the development of character is at the centre of their educational ethos. Many have well-established programmes, which can rely largely on face-to-face teaching, however, these can be so difficult to replicate through remote learning. This is where Amazing People Schools can add huge value.

This award-winning character and wellbeing platform offers practical and engaging resources alongside inspirational cross-curricular stories that will fire your students’ imaginations and inspire vital character strengths such as optimism, creativity and resilience.

Amazing People Schools resources present powerful characteristics in a simple but impactful way that speak directly to young people. The assemblies, lessons and activities are designed to inspire the next generation to believe in themselves and aim high – higher than they may currently think possible.

Selena Whitehead, education team manager at Amazing People Schools, and David Hodgkinson, secondary teacher, school governor and educational consultant, will host the workshop


Don’t miss it

A nation is relying on you to support our young people – and in turn we’re here to do everything we can to support you. We’d love to start that off by asking you to join us for a free 30 minute online inspirational workshop on 10 February 2021 at 16:30.

Teachers love our workshops which explore how our award-winning website and off-the-peg resources can be used support PSHCE, character development and cross-curricular learning through these challenging times. With a little help from some Amazing People!

Sign up for the workshop

Free site access for all attendees

All attendees of the workshop will also enjoy free school access to the entire Amazing Schools website. This includes unlimited teacher and student accounts for a term.

If you can’t join us, don’t worry – we can still help

The Amazing People Schools website contains everything prep and secondary schools need to build their own cross-curricular character and wellbeing programme. Because we recognise how demanding teaching is at the moment, even if you can’t attend the workshop you can sign your school up for a free trial of our site.

Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education – Martin Luther King Jr.



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Instagram: @amazingpeopleschools

YouTube: AmazingPeopleSchools

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