How is your school preparing for life post-Brexit?

We asked four headteachers how they are handling the topic of Brexit at their schools

“At Portsmouth High School we always have an eye on reducing waste and keeping running costs to the minimum. As Brexit may make goods and services from abroad more expensive, this has become ever more important. We are briefing our pupils and equipping them with as much knowledge as we can through assemblies, debates and also by giving them access to information as the day draws nearer. In History, for example, the girls have been studying democracy and dictatorship, and they have found it interesting that Brexit and the situation in parliament is an example of democracy in action.”  

Jane Prescott, headmistress,  Portsmouth High School


Head in the sand or full throttle hustings, votes and party politics? Whatever schools’ approaches to Brexit, at Pocklington we are confident that we are doing everything we can to prepare ourselves and our students for life post-Brexit but more importantly, the 21st century. We don’t ignore Brexit’s implications, nor shy away from discussing it inside or outside the classroom, but our focus remains our core values which inspire for life. Teaching to nurture character alongside curriculum, extra-curricular activities and visits that develop confidence and self-knowledge, and our insistence on developing social responsibility through fundraising and engagement in our community, will prime our children well for their future. The input of pupils from all corners of the world and staff that raise ambition and broaden horizons mean we are confident, whatever the political weather.” 

Toby Seth, headmaster, Pocklington School


“Our young people here at Cheltenham College, and in schools across the country, did not choose Brexit and yet they will be challenged to solve the problems that it will create. It is our job to instil in them the ability to adapt, to collaborate and to create new ways of living and working. Our pupils are already developing creative and leadership skills, whether undertaking the elective mini MBA and developing business ideas for the world of tomorrow or using their many personal qualities to work in partnership with other schools and charitable organisations, they are ready and able to make the most of our multi-faceted future. Our post-Brexit reality may in fact be just the opportunity they need to come out from the shadow of historical expectations and take ownership of their own futures.”

Nicola Huggett, head, Cheltenham College 


“With the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and with no direction given by the Government, we at DLD College will keep calm and carry on as normal. As the destination boarding school of choice in the capital, we will continue to support and work closely with our international students, parents and agents to reassure them and provide them with the guidance and assistance that they will need when completing the necessary visa paperwork. Staff here are receiving additional bespoke training in order to fulfil this commitment to our parents and agents. I hope that the systems we have in place will strengthen both our excellent academic provision and outstanding pastoral care. It is a challenging time for everyone, but we are ready to weather the storm.” 

Irfan Latif, principal, DLD College London

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