Hon Mrs George Cadogan opens new Sixth Form at Heathfield School – rated Excellent by ISI

New Sixth Form to equip girls with the skills required to transition successfully into higher education and the working world

Newly-wed Hon Mrs George Cadogan officially opened Heathfield School’s new purpose-built Cadogan Sixth Form this September. The Heathfield old girl Davina Motion had recently married George Cadogan, son of Viscount Chelsea.

The new centre – designed to expand the academic and personal horizons of its students – was created to provide a rich and adaptable learning environment for their new Sixth Form programme.

This programme will equip students with the diverse skills required to transition successfully into higher education and the working world. Hon Mrs George Cadogan was joined by fellow old girl and Sports Journalist of the Year, Laura Scott, both of whom thoroughly enjoyed their school years at Heathfield.

Heathfield's new sixth form
Inside Heathfield School’s new Sixth Form


Commenting on the new Sixth Form, Sarah Wilson, headmistress, said, “This project has taken several years to come to fruition through challenging times. I’m absolutely delighted to announce the opening of our new Sixth Form which will provide a much-needed larger space in which our students will be able to study, learn, meet mentors, develop their soft skills in one of our two presentation areas, and transition effectively into higher education and the working world. I would like to extend a ‘very big thank you’ to everyone who kindly contributed to our fund raising campaign.”

Heathfield School’s philosophy

Happy confident girls succeed – that’s the simple but powerful philosophy at Heathfield – which is why the school prioritises wellbeing for all its students. The school’s Positive Psychology Programme asks students to build on what is positive, develop curiosity, gratitude, goal setting skills and positivity to ensure that each one recognises their own strengths and potential, motivating a personal desire to thrive.

Students in the Lower and Upper Sixth are encouraged to work together as a cohesive body and to participate in joint activities, effective for building peer support, friendship and mutual respect. Those requiring extra support are quickly identified by Heathfield’s Pastoral Team, responsible for the wellbeing of every girl. Flourishing lessons are also taught every fortnight and cover the science of wellbeing, qualities such as empathy, kindness, motivation and mindset, and strategies to help the girls to reflect and manage their own mental health.

Heathfield School's new sixth form
Pupils enjoying the new Sixth Form space at Heathfield School


“Academic work goes hand in glove with all the other aspects of Heathfield’s Sixth Form Programme to create well-rounded young people with a positive attitude and a good work ethic; young people who are well equipped to take their next steps, whether that is into higher education or the world of work,” adds Wilson.

Creating well-rounded confident students is a top priority at Heathfield. The students have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required for independent living and the next stage of their education or career. Students can take Leiths Introductory Certificate in Food and Wine and gain vital skills for life with a professional qualification from the UK’s most prestigious cookery school.

Co-curricular activities, from debating and scuba diving to sport and drama, improve the learning experiences of all students and help them to identify and develop their inner talents, creative and public-speaking skills, leadership qualities, and more.

Sixth-formers are also encouraged to ‘give back’ to the local, international and school communities through support and fund raising activities.

Main image: Left to right: Hon Mrs George Cadogan, Heathfield old girl; Sarah Wilson, headmistress; and Laura Scott, fellow old girl and Sports Journalist of the Year

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