Students invited to assemble for general election explainer

Full Fact and LGfL DigiSafe are streaming the event to schools in a bid to boost young people’s understanding of what polling day means and involves

Schools are being invited to join in a live streamed general election assembly on Monday 9 December.

The free 15-minute session is designed for KS3/4 students and will cover issues including media literacy, fake news, and the need for critical thinking and engagement in an increasingly digital world.

Supplementary materials for follow-up discussions will also be available to teachers who register for the event.

The assembly is the result of a collaboration between two charities: independent fact-checker Full Fact and LGfL DigiSafe, looking to advance education through digital innovation.

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“It’s our mission to ensure young people are equipped with the media literacy skills to keep safe online and also be educated on such important social issues and current affairs,” said Mark Bentley, safeguarding and cybersecurity manager at LGfL DigiSafe.

“In the run-up to the general election, staying informed on these topics is crucial for everyone – no matter your age.”

To register for the assembly, please visit

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