Sodexo appoints health and wellbeing manager to improve pupil performance

“Food plays such a key part in all of our lives, but is especially important for young people,” says Paul Quinn

Independents by Sodexo has appointed a dedicated health and wellbeing manager.

The newly-created role will see Paul Quinn educating staff and pupils about the impact their food choices can have on academic and sporting performance.

He will also work with the Independents by Sodexo culinary team – providers of fresh food to more than 80 independent schools in UK and Ireland – in developing performance-enhancing menus.

“Food plays such a key part in all of our lives, but is especially important for young people,” said Quinn.

Elsewhere in IE: Independents by Sodexo has been awarded a five-year contract to manage catering services at The King’s School, Chester

He added: “I am very passionate about the impact nutrition has on health and am looking forward to engaging with our pupils to get them interested in the science behind their food.”

Jeremy Alderton, managing director at Independents by Sodexo, said: “We have created this dedicated role because the health and wellbeing of pupils is at the heart of everything we do. It is clear that Paul shares our passion, and his background in nutrition will help us educate pupils into adopting a diet comprising food which sharpens the mind and energises and rejuvenates the body.”

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