Sixth former secures partnership with Eton College

The independent school will help college students prepare for challenging university interviews

A 16-year-old sixth form student has secured a partnership with Eton College, where the independent school will provide support to students applying to top universities.

Craig Bukenya, who is studying A-levels at Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc), contacted Eton College to arrange a visit for himself and his peers who are enrolled on the college’s Honours Programme for gifted students.

Eton College agreed to help NewVIc students prepare for challenging interview situations they will encounter when applying to universities with the most demanding entrance requirements.

Bukenya said: “My ambition has increased even more now that we have support from Eton as well as NewVIc and other partners that work with them. Although we study in a state school, this will not hinder my level of ambition.

My ambition has increased even more now that we have support from Eton as well as NewVIc and other partners that work with them

“Although Newham is blighted by social problems, I think for me it just makes an incentive to work harder and be a source of inspiration for the community; if they see my ambition to be successful it might encourage them to be successful themselves.

“It fosters more confidence in our state schools, particularly students just like myself, young black males who are often stigmatised by the media. I think me being successful I can be a role model at NewVIc.”

Craig Bukenya

Bukenya also recently took part in the Cambridge University Shadowing Scheme, which brings 300 sixth formers to Cambridge for three days to shadow students and get a sense of what university life is like.

Bukenya said: “I am strongly considering applying to Cambridge which is why I applied to the shadowing scheme to give me a greater insight to what it would be like being an undergraduate student, to understand it better and confirm my passion for the course I want to study at university. I am very fortunate to have been given a place out of all the applications that have been made.”

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