Withington annnounces new headmistress

Withington announces current Deputy Head, Sarah Haslam, will become the school’s eleventh headmistress

Sarah Haslam will take up her new post next September, succeeding Sue Marks, who is to retire at the end of the academic year afer 15 years of headship, including six at Withington.

Withington’s Chair of Governors, Elisabeth Lee informed parents and staff on 6 November, saying that the appointment of Mrs Haslam to the role had been a unanimous decision taken after a rigorous and searching interview process following applications from a number of strong candidates.

Mrs Lee commented: “Sarah Haslam will be a very worthy successor to the two outstanding Heads, Janet Pickering and Sue Marks, under whom she has served as Deputy.”

Following her undergraduate studies at The University of Lancaster and her postgraduate teaching qualification in Sheffield, Mrs Haslam began her career as a Teacher of English in 1990 at an HMC coeducational school and joined Withington Girls’ School in 1995. In addition to her subject teaching, she has had experience in a variety of whole school roles across all areas of school life, including Head of Years 10 and 11 and, since her appointment to the role of Deputy Head in 2007, lead responsibility for Pastoral Care and Safeguarding. She is also an Independent Schools Inspector, an Independent Schools Teacher Induction Panel lead trainer and has been a Governor of another independent school.

“These roles have given her a broad educational understanding over and above the extensive management and leadership roles that she currently carries out,” said Mrs Lee.

Sarah said: “I am thrilled to have been appointed Headmistress of our wonderful school and am very much looking forward to taking up the role”.

Mrs Lee concluded: “The Governors are confident that Sarah Haslam will maintain this momentum and continue the tradition of constant improvement whilst safeguarding the unique culture and ethos of Withington Girls’ School.”


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