A leading independent school headteacher is encouraging parents to keep their children at home for snow days – to build special memories that are far more valuable than anything that can be learned at school.
While the ‘Beast from the East’ is wreaking havoc across the country, Shaun Fenton of top-ranked independent Reigate Grammar School – which remains open to pupils – is advising parents to enjoy time with their children, playing in the snow, making snowmen and going sledging.
He emailed parents saying: “I realise that for some families work/other commitments mean that they will not have any options about the day whereas for others it makes sense to enjoy making snowmen and sledging. Looking back to my own childhood, in these moments some fabulous lifelong childhood memories were formed, memories that lasted longer than any lessons taught at school!”
“I believe that there are too few snow days for our children where they can go out and enjoy making snowmen and go sledging. Therefore, if there is a lot of snow and you can go sledging or make snowmen with your children today, then maybe today is a chance to make some special memories,” added Shaun.
Education is about far more than what is learned in the classroom
One parent was inspired to email the school saying: “What a delight it was to read that, if the snow does fall, then the school encourages the children to enjoy a snow day, to build memories, have fun with their families and enjoy. To receive your email reinforced for me the importance RGS places on the whole child. So thank you.”
At the end of last term, when Reigate was almost alone in escaping the snowfalls that fell in the rest of the country, the school created its very own snow day by hiring industrial snow machines to transform the playground.
Shaun Fenton, who takes up post as Chair of the HMC later this year, said: “Although the snow causes immense disruption for many people, I think the joy it offers to children and young people should be celebrated. Exam results are crucial, but as a school that believes that education is about far more than what is learned in the classroom, I’m encouraging our students and their families to make some special memories before the Beast from the East returns to Siberia.”