The April issue of University Business magazine is now available to download.
ON THE COVER: With current generations of fee-paying students rightly expecting more than ever before from their campuses, today’s estate teams have a fresh set
of challenges to overcome.
Sports on campus: How four universities have recently augmented their sporting offer – with immediate and eye-catching results.
Learning spaces uncovered: How top universities are evolving their teaching spaces, libraries and student accommodation in order to meet the demands of today’s cohort.
VLEs: Is the virtual learning environment the unsung hero of the HE sector?
Every issue of UB is packed with the latest news including:
*Campus services and new developments

*People and appointments

*Key association updates

*Opinions and views

*HE catering

*Education technology

*Events and diary
Click here to read the latest issue for free.
University Business magazine focuses on the entire business of higher education. Every month, the magazine is delivered to more than 16,000 key decision makers including vice-chancellors, finance directors and procurement managers.
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