The international issue: read the latest IE Today for free!

This month, we look at the challenges and opportunities facing schools in overseas recruitment


Welcome to the international issue and our last magazine of the 2017/18 school year. This is a special edition as it’s our biggest publication to date and we have redesigned the magazine to give the content a fresh new look. Whenever I speak to our readers, I am inspired by their pioneering thoughts towards education, so I was keen to update our look to support today’s education system.

Plus, we’ve introduced a selection of new features, including ‘Talking Heads on page 13, which involves headteachers from BSA schools discussing independent and state school partnerships. There’s also ‘School Spotlight’ on page 24, which is an opportunity for schools to showcase their innovation. This month, Farlington School is in the spotlight and they discuss the importance of visual literacy. We have also decided to shift the structure of the magazine, so now you’ll find our regulars up first, then everything concerning school life and finally events at the end.

Our school life section is particularly exciting, as we cover summer tutoring pressure on page 26, the impact of school uniforms on mental health on page 29 and reveal a new outdoor education centre on page 54.


I want to say a huge thank you to all our contributors in this issue and all the previous issues, as it is a joy to include your thoughts in this magazine. Finally, I want to give a special mention to our cover story which looks at recruitment in international schools. Many UK independent schools are expanding abroad but what impact does this have on recruiting teachers at home and away? Sally Jones reports on this issue on page 17 and I would love to hear your thoughts. If you have an opinion or story to share, please get in touch by emailing See you in September!  


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