Students think big, give bigger

Oundle School joined the Big Give’™s Philanthropy in Schools programme, which looks to inspire charity and independent thinking

The Northamptonshire school participated in the programme at the end of June, which is designed to be run during lesson time or as an after-school activity. The scheme involves investigation into various charitable organisations, allowing children the opportunity to learn about the the work they do and the mechanisms behind them.

As part of the programme, each Year 10 student was given a £5 voucher – sponsored by the Old Oundelian Club – to award to one of their researched charities, based on their findings. The Big Give scheme also involved each House group giving a pitch to the School’s Charity Committee. This was presented on a charity, which all the members in that House agreed was worthy of receiving the grand prize donated by the Old Oundelian Club. The best four were then given the chance to present to four members of the Old Oundelian Committee, in the Big Give Grand Bid, with a chance to win a £1,000 donation for their chosen charity.

Head of the School’s Charity Committee, Ian Clark, said: “The four Houses chosen for the final were Bramston, advocating Operation Smile; Wyatt, who backed the African Mothers Foundation; Fisher, supporting Cancer Research UK, and Laxton, with the Batten Disease Family Association.”

In the final, the judges decided that Anthony Orr’s and Bertie Stocks’ confident and fluent presentation on Cancer Research UK was the winner, and they received a voucher for £1,000. The OO Club has made a further £100 available for all of the other charities proposed.

Anthony, 15, commented: “Our donation will go towards an international standard facility for radiobiology research in Oxford. Forty per cent of cancer patients receive radiotherapy at some point during their treatment, and so we think this s a very important project.”

Over the summer, Bertie is walking part of the Peddar’s Way to raise more money for Cancer Research UK.

Bertie, 15, commented: “Joshua Allen (15) and I are embarking on the Peddars Way walk in aid of Cancer Research… [it] is an old Roman Road that was kept intact over the years; it spans 100 miles from Thetford Forrest to Cromer. We plan to do two 25 mile days, have a day break and then do the remaining 50 miles in 2 and a half days.”

The boys are doing the walk from 16-22 July.

Major Giving Executive from Cancer Research UK, Daisy Ayre, wrote: “We really appreciate the Oundle pupils’ generosity in choosing to award their donation to us. Radiotherapy is one of the cornerstones of cancer treatment with four in ten people who survive the disease receiving it as part of their treatment. Cancer Research UK continues to drive forward progress in the field by investing in the next generation of experts.”

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