Praise for departing school headmaster

Dr John Newton, described as an ‘outstanding headmaster’, has left Taunton School after 10 years to work in an Australian college

Departing headmaster John Newton, who has left Taunton School to work in Australia, has been hailed “visionary and charismatic”. 

Dr Newton, who led the independent school for 10 years, has taken up the post of principal at Scotch College in Adelaide. 

Jane Barrie, Chair of Governors, described Dr Newton as an outstanding headmaster.She said: “He has led Taunton School with energy and dynamism and leaves us with a fine legacy. Our best wishes go to him and his family for the future.” 

Jeremy Browne, MP for Taunton, said Dr Newton had given a decade of “visionary and charismatic leadership” to Taunton School.He said: “He will be missed, but future generations of young people will benefit from his impressive legacy.” 

Rebecca Pow, Conservative party prospective parliamentary candidate, said Dr Newton had thrown himself not just into the life of Taunton School, but also the life of the town.She said: “He has set many balls rolling and, when he returns from Oz, I hope he will see they have gathered momentum.” 

Dr Newton has been replaced as headmaster by former deputy head, Lee Glaser.Describing his predecessor, Mr Glaser said he is “inspirational, driven, enthusiastic, energetic, caring, focused. 

“He has put Taunton School on the map and has still managed to put his family first.”

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