Parents offer careers advice

The Oundle School Careers Department hosted its seventh annual ‘€˜Ask the Experts’€™ event on Sunday 19 January

Pupils from Years 11-13 were invited to attend this informal, drop-in event to talk to a large number of highly successful professionals representing a range of industry sectors and careers.

Head of Careers and English teacher, Robert Harry, commented: “Each year the composition of the body of experts varies according to the parents who kindly volunteer to attend, and this year the pupils were extremely fortunate to be able to talk to senior personnel from some of the City’s leading legal, management consultancy and accountancy firms, as well as representatives from medicine, chemical engineering, Formula 1 motor-racing, IT and the army, amongst others. This year’s event was particularly busy, with the experts answering questions and providing advice to large numbers of pupils and parents.”  

This networking event is always of great benefit to pupils in terms of informing their future decisions, making contacts and finding out what qualities companies are looking for in graduate recruits – particularly as the companies represented at the event are the very organisations that many of Oundle’s pupils will shortly be applying to for work experience, internships and graduate positions.

“I know how useful both my sons have found being able to talk to parents who work in fields outside of my own,” said a father of pupils in Fifth and Upper Sixth Forms. “And the parents we spoke to expressed their delight in being able to make a difference in this way.”

Headmaster Charles Bush commented: “It is tremendous when parents give up their time to act as expert advisors to the next generation. Children learn from this to consult widely and consider many different options for the future. It was a busy occasion and I am most grateful to all who helped make it a great success.”


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