Nottingham Girls’ appoints new head of junior school

Laura Fowler will take over as Head of Juniors at Nottingham Girls’ High School from September 2016

Nottingham Girls’ High School has appointed Laura Fowler as the new Head of its Junior School, responsible for the academic achievement and pastoral welfare of all junior students. Laura joins the team from Leicester High School for Girls, where she has been Head of the Junior Department for six years.

Laura will take charge of the Juniors from September, but will spend time getting to know students during visits to the school throughout the summer term. She takes over from Julie Keller, newly appointed Head of Nottingham Girls’ High School and current Acting Executive Head of the Juniors.

Laura said: “I’ve been attracted by Nottingham Girls’ High School’s ethos and structure for a while. It’s an exciting time for the school with the chance to work with Julie as the new Head. It’s bigger than Leicester, there are more girls and staff and so it presents a new challenge for me. I love to try new things, so it seemed a perfect fit!”

Laura has been a teacher for 17 years, with experience in roles including Acting Head and Deputy Head in primary schools across Essex, prior to her move to Leicester. Her two daughters will join Nottingham Girls’ High School in years six and eight in September. “Once you see the impact on girls’ confidence, attitudes to learning and future aspirations, not to mention their development as an individual and academically, you realise what a very powerful and special environment an all-girls school is to be a part of,” Laura added. “I’m excited about this move and so are my daughters. It can be a daunting thing, to change schools, but they know that sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead to greater things. We’re looking forward to taking that step together.”

Julie Keller, who takes over the role of Head of Nottingham Girls’ High School after Easter following Sue Gorham’s retirement, said: “Laura will make a fantastic Head and a wonderful addition to the Senior Leadership Team. With her experience and passion, Laura will take the Junior School from strength to strength, working closely with students and parents to foster the learning community there, where all feel valued and Nottingham Girls’ High School continues to be a beacon of girls-only education.”

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