‘New boys’ at Slindon College

West Sussex special independent boys’ school Slindon College has two new additions to its burgeoning menagerie

Slindon College has welcomed two rather special new entrants – Cuthbert and Rupert, the alpaca brothers. Cuthbert and Rupert are now well established in their own paddock next to their new neighbours, Norman and Loopy, the college’s donkeys.

Mrs Sargeant, head of land-based studies, said: “This is a delightful addition to our animal kingdom  and we are looking forward to training the alpacas to the lead so the pupils can take them for  walks around our extensive grounds.  They are sociable and intelligent animals and should thrive  in the environment we are providing.  We have built them a very sturdy weatherproof shelter  within  their paddock and so far they have settled in extremely well.” 


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