Derby High School students Jessica Chan, Chloe Graham and Lauren Booth won the World War One Book Group Competition: Imagining the First World War, which was run by the School Libraries Group of CILIP, the national organisation of librarians. The girls produced a large selection of love letters sent between fictional characters Theresa and Thomas, which included a poem and telegram announcing Thomas’s death.
Key stage three students were invited to enter the competition by submitting a creative response to an aspect of World War One based on books they have read. This could have been in the form of a creative piece of writing, a book trailer, a painting or poster, a mural, a 3D object, video or photos or anything else which was appropriate. Students also had to provide a short statement explaining what their entry was about.
Jessica, Chloe and Lauren won a hamper of books for Derby High School’s library and books for themselves.
Sue Bussey, library resources manager at Derby High School and member of SLG,said: “All of KS3 were invited to take part and we had great difficulty deciding on the three entries to send to SLG. We have a lovely display of all of the entries in reception and these have attracted a great deal of interest. The winning entries showed exceptional empathy with the events of WW1 and the people involved.”