Let us spray: King’s Ely pupils have a blast at fire station

Firing a hose in the air was but one highlight of a school trip hosted by Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service

Reception pupils from King’s Ely School recently took a short walk to their local fire station, where they were able to get up very close to one of the fire engines. Members of Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service were on hand to educate their young visitors about the importance of fire safety, tell them more about the urgent nature of their jobs and, of course, show them some of their tools and equipment.

The visit also saw the children being able to climb aboard the fire engine – the highlight for most of them was having a go at blasting the water hose as high as possible.

The trip was organised to tie in with the children’s topic for the term, All About Me.

Head of King’s Ely Acremont, Faye Fenton-Stone, said: “Learning should be much more than a classroom-based experience, and I am pleased to see that our reception children are making the most of exploring our community. On their return, the children were full of conversation, and their excitement and observations fed their plans and engagement during some busy role-play and sketching with pastels. Shortly after, the children composed a ‘thank you’ note for the time the firefighters gave up explaining their job and touring the station.”

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