How to fashion a winning team

School uniform and sportswear suppliers Stevensons explains how its approach takes the headache out of kit design and ordering

When you’re focused on coaching your teams to lead the field, the last thing you want is to get bogged down in the minutiae of their kit. Of course, you want your school teams to look as though they mean business: but dealing with fabric samples, sizing issues and stock availability can be an unnecessary distraction from what matters most – your teams’ performance.

That’s why we provide not just a range of quality school sportswear, but also superb service that helps you keep your eye on the ball. With Stevensons as your uniform and sportswear partner, you don’t need to worry about stock arriving late for a fixture because we hold stock in depth all year-round. This means that, whatever your school needs, it will always be available at short notice. 

Turnaround time for our XXV sportswear range is typically just four weeks from sign-off of an agreed design. Speed does not come at the expense of product quality, however, as all garments are made in Europe to exacting standards. Our XXV sportswear employs the latest technical fabrics with features such as wicking, breathable and easy-care properties to help your teams perform to their full potential.

Increasingly, school uniform and sportswear play an important role in building a brand image, creating a sense of pride and reinforcing team spirit. Our XXV range sports extremely subtle branding as we believe that it is your school’s identity, not our logo, which should shine.

From a comprehensive selection of ethically-sourced PE and games kit to more specialist sportswear and sports equipment for a wide range of sports, Stevensons can help with all your sportswear requirements.

Once a school has chosen their favoured design, we provide a full set of garment samples for trial testing free of charge. We advise schools to wash and wear the garments to ensure they are fit for the demands of everyday life.

Whether you are thinking of updating a few items or considering a complete kit overhaul, we offer a free consultative design service, complete with storyboards and CAD layouts, making it easy for you to visualise the end result.

Reading Blue Coat School recently experienced this service at first-hand when it called on us to update its core kit, keeping the existing design but improving fabric quality and alleviating the supply issues it had been experiencing.

Phil Wise, Deputy Head, explains: “When putting together our staff kit and teamwear range, Stevensons gave us the extra care and personal attention to detail needed in order to ensure that the precise needs of our school were met.”

Elsewhere, we came to the rescue of Mount Kelly when it merged with a local prep school and urgently needed a complete overhaul of all its sportswear. We proposed an exciting design that complemented the school’s new branding and we assigned a dedicated account manager to work closely with the school, making the whole process hassle-free. Our ability to respond quickly enabled us to supply the school with final garments, which greatly helped them in deciding which design to choose.

Stevensons’ exemplary service freed Mount Kelly to focus on other important matters involved in the integration of two schools. The school was so impressed by the quality of service experienced with its core kit that it later commissioned us to redesign the kit for its rugby, hockey, netball and swimming teams.

As Mount Kelly discovered, strong teamwork is at the heart of any successful relationship. With our expertise, decades of experience and collaborative approach, you’re free to focus on performance with the knowledge that your school sportswear is in safe hands.

T: 01727 815715 /

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