Health focus at Alleyn Court

Children at Alleyn Court received a clean bill of health as the Southend preparatory school staged its first Healthy School’s Day

Pupils in Years 1-6 took part in activities throughout the day while the Pre-Prep children made ‘being healthy’ a focus of their lessons too.

A warm, dry day provided the perfect environment for the event with many of the activities taking place outside.

Pupils worked in mixed aged groups: ‘Children from Years 1 to 3 worked together and children in Years 4 to 6 did the same,’ said deputy head Paula Hart. ‘This encouraged social interaction and support between the children.’

Alleyn Court headmaster Gareth Davies said he was impressed by the energy and expertise of staff and the enthusiasm of pupils, as they took part in a wide range of activities requiring  both physical and intellectual engagement.

Mrs Hart added that children were encouraged to work co-operatively. ‘Pupils supported each other,’ she said, ‘taking risks with ideas and learning from mistakes.’

Topics included hygiene and safety when working with food and how to identify possible dangers and pitfalls in a range of situations.

The junior activities included chopping vegetables and making a dip, traditional playground games, building newspaper towers, physical team challenges and ‘blow your own trumpet’ to identify self-confidence and satisfaction about the areas where children believed they were successful.

Senior pupils took part in similar activities but instead of playground games and newspaper towers they had a session on first aid and risk assessment scenarios.

At the end of the day all children received a certificate of participation.

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