FUZEliers support young coders

A team of FUZEliers will work with young and budding computer programmers at The National Museum of Computing to show them how to code

Every weekend, the FUZEliers will be introducing young coders to the FUZE, a purpose-built, computer to make teaching and learning programming easy and fun. It is an electronics workstation powered by a Raspberry Pi and programmed using the ever-popular BASIC language. Youngsters will be encouraged to develop their logical thinking in a fun way by programming robots and other devices linked to the FUZE to give them a real sense of the power of computing.               

Any young visitor can drop in and be guided by a team of student FUZEliers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of a short session, they will have learnt some key commands, written their first real programs and could be controlling a robot arm.

Tim Reynolds, Chair of The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC), said: “In its straightforward approach and use of BASIC, FUZE is a modern take on the BBC Micro, the machine which introduced so many of today’s British computer scientists to computing. 

“FUZE brings together programming and electronics in a fun way that shows just how far computing has come and hints at the future that lies before us. As an educational tool in the context of a museum of computing that looks to the future, it’s a great fit.”

For more information, see www.tnmoc.org 

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