First female Head for all-boys’€™ school

Mrs Susan Faulkner has been appointed as the first female head of Bolton School Junior Boys’ School

Mrs Faulkner, who will take up her position from Easter 2015, has been deputy head at the Junior School from 2011. She has experience of teaching in the single-sex environment, having been deputy head for six years at her previous all-boys’ junior school. Prior to that she was a class teacher and leader on staff development at Stonyhurst Junior School. She is a graduate of the University of Durham. 

Mrs Faulkner said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as head of Bolton School’s Junior Boys’ School and I look forward to taking up the reins from Easter. I envisage a smooth transition and aim to continue to take the school on from strength to strength. As a parent of an eight-year-old boy I understand that a boys’ school needs to offer an exciting and engaging curriculum, boosted by a strong extra-curricular and pastoral system which supports the boys in all aspects of their development. My ambition is to see all of our boys grow to be the very best that they can be and this is what will continue to drive my vision for the Boys’ Junior School as we look to the future.’ 

Philip Britton, head of Bolton School Boys’ Division, said: “The position attracted a strong field of applicants but throughout the process Sue was the outstanding candidate.” 

Mr Stephen Whittaker, the current head, will leave his post at Easter to take up his new position as Director of Education for the Blackburn Diocese.

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