Farlington Prep School makes a rainbow for charity

The school took part in a Rainbow Mufti Day to fundraise for a charity in Kenya

Farlington Prep School recently took part in a “Rainbow Mufti Day” to raise funds for the BIG Foundation – an education charity based in Kenya. This was selected by the pupils’ School Council as the recipient of this year’s fundraising activities

The pupils from Nursery to Prep 6 came to School wearing a specified colour of the rainbow, depending on their year group. A group was then photographed in the shape of a rainbow from upstairs in the Boarding House.

The Big Foundation undertakes projects in schools in Kenya building new classrooms, providing desks and helping feed children their lunch

The Big Foundation undertakes projects in schools in Kenya building new classrooms, providing desks and helping feed children their lunch. Community projects are also undertaken to help keep livestock healthy, cultivate crops and support local cottage industries, such as jewellery making.

The charity has been set up by Beth Richardson, a Farlington parent.

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