Families at Oakwood School in Chichester recently made the most of the weather and invited families for a day of adventure in the grounds. Local company Releasing Potential set up a carousel of activities in the school grounds, giving parents and children the chance to have a go at lighting a campfire the old fashioned way, gathering natural materials to create jewellery, competing in scavenger hunts and learning about the flora and fauna surrounding them.
The day was arranged by year one form tutor Caz Symonds and year six form tutor Felix Page, who are both keen to make the most of Oakwood’s rural setting.
Felix said: “It is now widely recognised that outdoor learning has many benefits, from an enhanced sensory awareness and an understanding of the need for sustainable relationships between people and their environment to developing better mental and physical health. Here at Oakwood, we make full use of our outstanding outdoor spaces, from taking regular lessons outdoors to bringing subjects such as science, geography and history to life in the woods and parklands around the school.
The forest school workshop on Saturday was an ideal opportunity for us to invite our families to come and join their children for a morning of fun and discovery; it gave parents some insight into what their children get up to at school, and above all, it was great fun!”